@article{oai:nuk.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000169, author = {Premarathne, WMAG Hemantha Anuradha}, issue = {2}, journal = {研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集-}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, In the 60 years since the Second World War ended scholars, policy makers, and international development institutions have paid increasing attention to the complex relationship between institutions and economic performance in developing countries. As noted North (1990: 61), it takes resources to transform inputs of land, labor, and capital into the output of goods and services and that transformation is a function not only of the technology employed, but of institutions as well. In this respect, together with the technology employed, institutions affect the performance of agricultural activities by their\ effect on the transaction and transformation (production) costs that make up total costs. Therefore, in order to understand the causes of agricultural underperformance in developing countries, it is necessary to reexamine the role of institutions in agricultural development, their links, constraints and the effect of their changes. The present study attempts to\ examine the impact of selected formal and informal institutions on resource utilization, with special reference to land utilization and water resource management, in the rural agricultural sector in Sri Lanka., 本論文は『研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集-』Vol.6, No.2(2013/3)に査読を経て受理された。}, volume = {6}, year = {2013} }