@article{oai:nuk.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000186, author = {山津, 幸司 and 東, 保子 and 中江, 悟司 and 千葉, 仁志 and 石井, 好二郎}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集, The Joint Journal of the National Universities in Kyushu. Education and Humanities}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, Main causal factors in need of nursing care in Japan were cerebrovascular disease and fall. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Group- and Home-based physical activity intervention on cerebrovascular risk factors. Seventy two subjects were randomly assigned to intervention group (N=53) or waiting list control group (N=19). Finally, the results were analyzed for 67 subjects (intervention group: n=48 [female: 81.3%], Control: n=19 [female:84.2%]; age 70.9±5.8 years) as data from 5 subjects were incomplete. The intervention had 24 week duration. The behavioral goals in the home-based intervention were daily walking step and step exercise. Group-based intervention conducted for 90 minutes every week and included 10 min step exercise, health and exercise information, and some recreations. The main outcome measures were body weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), glucose and lipid metabolism, and physical fitness. Participants in both groups lost their weight and BMI and improved systolic and diastolic BP, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HbA1c, and atherosclerotic indices. But weight loss and BP reduction in the intervention group was superior. Participants in the intervention group increased walking steps (P<0.05) and step exercise adherence was 85.4%. Participants in the intervention group improved the physical fitness (10 m maximum gait, Timed Up and Go test, Reaction Time, 30-second Chair-Stand Test, Functional Reach Test, Single-leg balance with eyes open test, step exercise test). These results suggested that home- and group-based physical activity intervention had beneficial effects on cerebrovascular risk factors., 本論文は「九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集」Vol.1, No.1(2013/10)に査読を経て受理された。}, volume = {1}, year = {2013} }